Weight: 20 lbs. 10 oz - 95%
Height: 28.5 in. - 97%
Head: 44 cm - 75%
The pediatrician seemed really pleased with his progress and said he is doing everything he should be. We need to start feeding him more cereal everyday but other than that he is great! He showed off with his reaching, standing, sitting, and rolling over. He even showed her his 2 little teeth coming through on the bottom. She said by his next appointment at 9 months he will probably be pulling up on things. (Watch out mom and dad)
Since his last appointment at 4 months Jacob has started to sit up on his own a little bit, eating solids, reaching for everything, babbling more, passing items from one hand to the other, getting teeth, and scooting a little on the floor.
Jacob has also started swim lessons on Tuesdays nights. He really seems to like being in the pool and splashing around. We put him on his tummy, back, sing songs, and last Tuesday Andrew dunked him twice!
Our little boy is growing up so fast. This morning I put him in his swing and he looked like a little boy, sitting up and watching his daddy put the jogging stroller together. I'm excited for him to hit all his milestones but sad that he is growing up so fast.