Height: 34.5 inches (95%)
Weight: 34 lbs. 3 oz. (99%)
Head Cir: 50.5 cm. (97%)
He was very good for the doctor and showed her all his tricks. He was even pretty good when he got his flu shot.
At 18 months Jacob has added about 30 words to his vocabulary since a month ago. He is taking one nap a day during the week but twoa day on the weekends. He sleeps on a cot at school. He is really starting to get into music. Tonight he even signed more please and pointed at the radio for me to turn on the music. He loves to start songs and have you sing the rest. Right now his favorites are Ba Ba Black Sheep, Row Row Row Your Boat, and Elmo's Theme Song. I think I'm going to sign him up for a music class in the spring.
At our appointment on Friday our pediatrician said to get a potty chair and start casually putting Jacob on it at bath time and other times throughout the day. So, today I ordered one online. We are not to push him, since boys take longer but she said to just start introducing it to him. I have to say I am not looking forward to emptying potty chairs. (Yuck) I don't think I'm looking forward to trying to teach a little boy how to aim either. :)
This weekend was a perfect fall weekend. We raked leaves yesterday, and Andrew and I stained our deck today. We are both very tired and sore. Thank goodness the stain is supposed to last 15 years because we do not want to do that again. :) Andrew said he will sell the house before he has to stain the deck again. I have to say it looks much better than it did when we moved in 3 years ago. It was worth the hard work.
That last picture of you two is so cute!! I can't wait to see you this weekend!!